I know firsthand the challenges (and the wins)
of speaking a foreign language. Twice.

Hi, I'm Inbal Amit
and this is my story

Growing up in Israel, both Hebrew and English always played a big role in my life.

I started my career as a translator. Being an entrepreneur at heart, in my mid 20s I opened and managed my first business, a boutique translation agency, financing my way through my Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

Over the years, I gained experience in copywriting, content management, and teaching, working in Hebrew and in English. After work hours, Hebrew had been my companion as I was writing poetry and short stories, performing from time to time in Story Slam events in Tel Aviv.

A decade later I moved to Portugal after falling in love with the country, and its people. It was there that the opportunity to use my teaching skills had presented itself, as I was asked to teach Hebrew.

Developing creative ways to simplify Hebrew and use the English language to teach Hebrew proved itself to be as rewarding for my students as it was to me.

Thriving on creativity, being able to "play" with Hebrew in the most creative ways felt like I was given the shiniest toy to play with all day, every day.

Starting a new life in a country where English was not the formal language was another arena that required quite a bit of creativity mixed with flexibility, and was always incredibly educating. Whether it was signing a lease in Portuguese, not speaking the language, or making new friends, it was an ongoing learning process majoring in language, adapting, and cultures. 

Portugal was not my final stop. Meeting who is now my husband, we decided to start our life together in his home country, and so I moved to the US, where Carlos and I share a happy home with our cutest of dogs, Chloe. 

Starting anew for the second time added new layers of learning. Different culture, different accent, very different speed of talking English, and different lingo, terms, and slang. I know now firsthand the challenges (and wins) of speaking a foreign language. Twice.

Hebrew has always been my companion, even when I am many miles (or kilometers) away from anyone who speaks it. Connecting with people around the world through Hebrew, and building a community around teaching and spreading the love of it has become my passion.

I knew that I wanted to help English speakers learn and love Hebrew, wherever they are, and wherever I was. It was at that moment that I sat down to write my first Hebrew Workbook.

Almost overnight, Hebrew 1 and 2 Workbooks became Best Sellers on Amazon. That and the incredible feedback I got from people whose Hebrew learning, progress, and approach were transformed using my resources, lessons, and methods, gave me the motivation to start teaching on YouTube and across social media as well.

My coloring books and Hebrew notebooks were added to the collection, I created my free guides, online courses, and opened my Love Hebrew store offering my unique watercolor Hebrew art designs.

I am a firm believer of serendipity and intuition. My life has and is still filled with both, and I can see most clearly how each skill, job, and tool that I picked up along the way serves me now as I fulfill my purpose: Teaching Hebrew better.

I cannot thank you enough for reading my story, and considering being part of my community. Please feel free to reach out and share your connection to Hebrew, your goals and wishes, your questions, concerns, and challenges. I will do my best to answer and help any way I can.


Thank you so much for your dedication in helping other people like me learning this so beautiful but also so difficult language. Be blessed.

Eric Tourneur